Having disliked several audiobooks recently, I now reached for more previously unheard Jojo Moyes books. Yes, I like her works. 📚

Universum by Phillip P. Peterson 📚

Very exciting, great characters, very fantastic and then somehow too fantastic at the end.

Billy Summers - yawn 🥱 📚

Like many a King books, I had to get through about the first half, which I found very tedious. After that, the book picked up speed, but never, never ever, in a way like, for example, “It”. “Billy Summers” was just unnecessary in the end. Yes, unnecessary is an appropriate word for it. And if there hadn’t been a nice little twist at the end, which I kind of expected anyway, the book would have been a pure disappointment for me. But as it was, I had some fun reading it at times. But is that enough for a good book or even a King classic? Unfortunately, “Billy Summers” will never rank among his masterpieces.

I read Billy Summers 📚 at the moment and I have a problem with that book. It’s okay, but somehow it hasn’t grabbed me yet. But that is often a King problem. Sometimes it only gets interesting later. Let’s see. At the moment it’s a struggle.