When I call our pediatrician, the line is always busy. Getting through is a matter of luck. But getting there without a call and an appointment is almost more impossible. πŸ™„

Today my kids, who just argue all day, are driving me crazy.

Aha, my little one might have hand-mouth-foot disease. We haven’t had that yet. While the big one was mostly spared, the little one takes just about everything.

That would be crap anyway, we have very expensive circus tickets for tomorrow.

My little one has a pretty high fever and my big one just threw up on dinner. Hmm. It’s going to be a great night.

Swimming class cancelled today. The big one has a fever of 39,8. πŸ€’

I am currently taking swimming lessons with my big daughter. 🏊

She is already doing quite well.

I sink all the time.

Today: The big daughter falls down the stairs, I was in front of her and could prevent worse. 1 hour later the little one asks me if she could run down the stairs.

Briefly considered: No.

5 a.m. I lie awake. Have hardly slept. First came the one child: stomach ache. Then the other child: stomach ache. I guess this is shaping up to be something. And me? Training the whole week. Works well without sleep, I’m sure. πŸ˜‰

Next adventure this morning.

My littlest one refused to get dressed. So I wanted to take her to kindergarten in her pajamas. She was not on the toilet, no breakfast, nothing. Just screaming and crying. At some point when I wanted to go, she quickly got dressed. Completely inappropriate, no socks, pants too short. Worse than the pajamas.

That’s exactly how she is now in kindergarten.


I just saw a note in kindergarten: A case of conjunctivitis.


I’m thinking about my little one right now, who always likes to take whatever she can get.
And then the last time, she passed it on to me. That was really funny. Not.

Morning, we are in a hurry.

Kids, quick now. I have prepared clothes for you. You put them on, breakfast is also ready and then we can go.

10 minutes later. Well, where are they?

Ah, they are playing with their dolls. They haven’t changed and I’m being told not to disturb them.

My children are so sick. Cough, fever, sniffles…. And my smallest can’t sleep because of cough and cries all the time now.

I love my children. But when they cough 200 times a day with a cold directly into my face,… 🀬

Those nights when one of your kids throws up. πŸ’š

We went hiking today on the “Schamusiway”. On this small but very nice forest hiking trail you meet some animals… πŸ˜€


As a kid, it was always quite an adventure to sit in the car with dad as the car wash did its work around you. Today, I’m the dad with my two daughters who enjoy the noise and the brief adventure.

My children are currently driving me crazy.

I just wanted to say that.

I think my summer holiday destination is set. My wife has just started introducing my children to the worlds of Pippi LΓ₯ngstrump. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ

New on my “construction site”: A beautiful, huge trampoline. If not a garden, the kids should at least be able to bounce.


Children’s birthday party. 5 years old. Theme horse or unicorn.

I need ideas. But also things that can be implemented without much effort.

Time flies. Birthday time!

I never post photos of my children. At least never where you could recognise them immediately. But my youngest makes it easy for me. I don’t have to hide anything. I just have to be slow with the shutter.

Child sick = 2 hours sleep

Yesterday already we went to the hospital. My little one has a fever and complains of earache. So we went to the emergency service. Yes, a pending middle ear infection, but it is not yet so far. However, that didn’t stop my little one from keeping us almost completely awake during the night.

Today she’s going to the doctor again with my wife, while I’m trying to take care of the whole day, sometimes extremely important, appointments and a job interview. No idea how that is supposed to work. I feel like a folding chair in semi-retirement. Shortly before folding.

Okay, off to the first meeting.

When the little one comes to your bedroom in the night, looks you in the face, you wake up, and then she sneezes right in your face. Parental joy.

Camping with kids. πŸ’œπŸ€¦