This is the Way

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I’m working with a couple of people on a project where it’s going to be about assisting parents in the company when they have questions. For example, when they are fresh out of parental leave. A platform where parents can exchange information with each other and, if necessary, HR can also provide answers.

But nothing really stands there yet, with the exception of the title: Parents@REHAU.

Okay. So now it’s a matter of defining exactly what we want to achieve with the project and then breaking this down into small packages.

So I’ve distributed a task to my people today. They are to write a sentence that describes exactly what Parents@REHAU stands for. And after that, they are to go into what is at all possible within the scope of the project / narrow time frame.

And why am I writing all this? Because I am incredibly proud of the example I have set for them:

Plants@REHAU: A discussion platform where all plants, from the unloved moss to the ever-popular daisy, can share their watering experiences.