This is the Way

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Permanently Under High Pressure 🤯

My body has been giving me warning signals for weeks, if not longer. I am under high pressure. I am under permanent stress. This manifests itself in completely different ways. Sometimes my hands tremble, sometimes it just ends completely, then there is complete emptiness and nothing works at all.

They always say that building a house is already too much. Then there are two small children, a very demanding job and the desire to continue to be successful. Then there’s a very sick dad and a lot of other things that I don’t even want to go into.

Body and psyche fail completely.

I notice how the smallest things stress me out. Sweats follow within milliseconds. “Can you quickly put the kids' shoes on?” is already too much.

I look for ways out and I need them quickly.

I’m already deleting things from my smartphone and computer that I don’t really need, reducing push messages. Each of them means minimal stress. I have also turned off all red number badges on the iPhone. Those little numbers stress and demand a click and your attention.

I also really need to start exercising again. I need to get over that initial hurdle again. Once that happens, I’ll know it’s on.

What else can I do?