This is the Way

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A great day at work 💼

Today I went to the office and it started with a very good colleague going on maternity leave. She had baked a cake and many came. We spread the whole thing over several hours so that there weren’t too many at once. And it was really nice. It was nice to see people in person again and the time with her was great.

Afterwards I talked to my other team members. Still, because I’m moving to a new team from 1 April. That was also really nice, because I have taken many of them to my heart and will miss them.

And also very nice: A very good colleague and friend happened to be there today, and I had a coffee with him later.

You might think I did nothing but talk, eat and drink coffee, but that’s wrong. In fact, I have already dedicated myself to my new future task. I took over a team meeting from my predecessor and felt very comfortable.

And later I was allowed to have an interview with a candidate who applied for a job in my future team.

It was all really good today and everything felt right. Some concerns about the future position have faded away. A lot of things went easily after just being me. At least for the most part.

Oh yes, I was also invited to a barbecue later on.

Today, I can really say: Things are going well for me.

And that has been rather rare lately. So let me just share a good day with you. I do something like that far too rarely.